Our first find was a sweet one. We were amazed to see the steel headframe, ladder and rigging. This mine was very recently
worked and it showed. It's not often you get to climb steel ladders. The underground workings were not very extensive but
they sure were interesting.
First off we found that the miners had constructed steel plates which held the support timbers in place. Each was custom
welded. A very nice custom labor of love. All the stulls seemed brand new. There were electrical connection boxes with the
price tags from a San Bernardino company still on them carefully nailed in place, although someone had taken all the wiring.
There was also a deep shaft with a non steel, rickety looking ladder. Maybe next time.
We stepped over a dead bunny as we explored deeper, finding an ingenious water tank buried just below the surface that
supplied the drills with water.
All in all a very cool mine.